As simple as it sounds, working with the ToornendPartners SDG Planner is actually that easy. There are six stages to go through.
Core Themes
The first step is to determine which of the 17 global goals are relevant to the organization. At this stage not only internal interests will be examined, but also external interests as well as those of stakeholders.
ToornendPartners has compiled a handy list of each goal with core themes, sub-goals and concrete action themes. Each SDG is thoroughly discussed to determine if, and if so, which goal is appropriate for the organization, and for which goals achievable actions should be formulated. These can be long-term ambitions and also actions that can be implemented tomorrow, so to speak. In doing so, the differing views of internal and external stakeholders are also taken into consideration.
In order to help clients and their organizations move in the right direction, examples of ambitions and actions are used in the interviews. Experience has shown that many ambitions and objectives have already been formulated, but without having been linked to the SDGs. For example, the Cultural Governance Code, the Diversity Code and the Fair Practice Code contain principles relevant to the SDGs that are or are already being embedded in many cultural institutions, or will be soon.